At 4.22, as the sun rose on the longest day of the year, 6 of us started playing, waiting for our first guest who duly appeared at 5.30. There then followed a steady flow of members and guests right through the day, reaching a peak around 2.00pm when we had 30+ people playing with another 30 or so chatting and/or eating cake. At 9.52 the last 4 were pulled off the lawns.
Just about every club member not on holiday was there for some time – often 2 or 3 times during the day – and, although I lost count by midday when it started to get busier, I estimate we entertained in excess of 100 guests including a dozen or so from other clubs whose support was particularly valued.
There is no doubt, all our visitors went away having had a thoroughly enjoyable day and we now have 12 new, paid up, members.
Our target for charity was £500. In the end, the total raised for the Alzheimers Society was £1,280.
So I think it’s fair to say we succeeded at every level. Many, many thanks to all those who worked so hard in laying out the lawns, greeting guests, constantly offering refreshment, teaching the rudiments of the game to newcomers, offering plants for sale, running stalls, raffles and auctions, encouraging visitors to put their hands in their pockets and generally making it a day to remember and cherish.
And here’s a date for your diary. The SHORTEST day of the year is Wednesday 21st December (8.32am 3.38pm.) and we are planning to mark this day as well with mince pies and mulled wine alongside the odd game of croquet. Watch this space!
Mick Lock
Secretary, Alnmouth CC